How Can We Protect the Air We Breathe? | ACTIVITIES
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Activity 3: Reducing Air Pollution Caused by Me or My Family
Complete Activities 1 and 2.
1) Examine the materials: EPA for Citizen Action, Consumers and Kids, Ways to Reduce Air Pollution, and Transportation, Household, Lawn and Garden, and Action Day Tips.
2) Review how landscaping could be altered to minimize pollution yet still be aesthetically pleasing. Baton Rouge Green Resources ; LSU Ag Center Native Tree Growing Guide ; USDA’s study of effect of removing trees USDA’s study on effect of removing trees ; EPA Atlanta Urban Heat Study pdf .
3) Analyze and interpret the AirNow monitoring data on the DEQ website for the student’s zip code.
5) Identify the activities and hobbies of the student and the student’s family that contribute to air pollution and potential ways of reducing pollutants.
6) Evaluate the loss and benefits of possible modifications.
7) Design a strategy to modify necessary activities to minimize air pollution. This can be incorporated into the Activity 1 (14).